Is Life Coaching in High Demand?

Life coaching services have been in high demand for the past decade with no signs of slowing down. Learn more about this career path from an expert's perspective.

Is Life Coaching in High Demand?

Life coaching services have been in high demand for the past decade and show no signs of slowing down. Coaches have helped millions of people reach their goals in both their professional and personal lives, as people's lives become increasingly complex and they need help staying on track. A life coach serves as a person that clients can rely on for advice and guidance to achieve their objectives. This career path has seen significant growth in recent years and is now an established and respected occupation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not collect data specifically on life coaches, but instead counts them among rehabilitation counselors, educational, guidance, school, and vocational counselors, and care and personal service workers.

Life coaches can work for organizations such as residential care or treatment centers, helping clients who want to overcome challenges. Freelance coaches sometimes work as consultants or contractors for companies that offer life coaching as a wellness benefit for employees. Health, fitness, and wellness coaches are also popular when it comes to life coaching, as many people prioritize their mental and physical health. However, it can be difficult to figure out how to make it work, and not everyone is willing to become a life coach when they understand what it takes. Whether your clients are looking to build their confidence, improve their relationships, or achieve a life goal, a life coach can help make it happen. But I advise people not to quit their jobs or other businesses to become life coaches.

If you are a coach struggling to get clients, check out my Uncage Your Business program, where I help you to be clear about your niche, message, packages, and online content that will help you get noticed in the coaching industry and get clients sooner. Small business coaches face very different challenges than those who work with large organizations to improve productivity, create a culture, or reinforce processes. Job offers for corporations, large nonprofits, and government coaching positions often require an ICF-certified coaching credential. It doesn't take much to make a business out of life coaching; however, it needs a few other things combined with it to make it a business that really makes money. I joined networking groups, interviewed more than 20 local coaches, trained for free, created group training events, and when I didn't see paying clients knocking on my door I altered my game plan. It gives you practical steps you didn't learn in life coaching school to help you get clients faster.

A life coach helps clients move forward by setting and meeting goals while a therapist helps clients look back to recover from past trauma. But here's the thing: just because people say life coaching sounds interesting or inspiring doesn't mean those people are willing to pay you for it. It's important to remember that if you want to make money from life coaching you need more than just the desire; you need the right skillset and knowledge.